A beacon for those seeking direction to GOD; The anchor of Hope, for a generation adrift.
Our Ministry exists to REACH students for Christ, to CONNECT them to a body of Christians, to help them GROW in their faith, and DISCOVER their purpose and HONOR GOD with their lives.
We essentially have a five-part mission at SYC:
- Our ultimate aim is to call kids to a lifelong love relationship with Jesus Christ.
- To reach and disciple youth.
- To actively guide youth to fulfill the Great Commission.
- To actively encourage youth to attend the church of their choice.
- To build and enhance relationships between adults and youth.
Stillwater Youth Center is a Christian organization serving 3rd grade through Senior High youth in Stillwater County. Our youth directors and volunteer mentors provide programming and supervision. The Center is a place for youth to socialize, recreate, and study in a supportive Christian atmosphere. Stillwater Youth Center is funded by tax-deductible charitable gifts.
SYC enhances our community by offering a facility with a variety of activities and amenities that appeal to the youth of this community. Beyond the games and activities, we offer three different youth groups for 3rd grade through high school (optional to attend) and facilitate chauffeured outings to concerts, the water slides, camps, retreats and more. SYC sees between 75 and 100 youth a week. We are equipped with an indoor basketball court and gym, weight room, pool table, foosball, library, computers, video games and newly planted yard equipped with a sprinkler system done by donors in the community. We also employ a staff that is committed to ensuring the environment is safe, wholesome and encouraging.
What separates us from other community centers is our main focal point, which is a relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In an unfortunate age where the family is under unprecedented attack, brokenness and abuse are far too common, and youth are bombarded with an ever-shifting convenient morality, we seek to be light shining on the steadfastness of a good and loving Savior. We actively choose to stand in the gap as cycle breakers and forge relationships with the youth and families of our
community in which we can deliver the only medicine which is suitable for a sick and hurting generation,
and that is a relationship with Jesus.
Almost anybody in any community can spot some advantages to having an organization that provides youth with a safe place to congregate, socialize and enjoy activities. Funds from Columbus MTGives will be used to facilitate our mission and all our activities and keep the youth center doors open for the youth. Funds will go toward things like:
- Employing Staff – our greatest asset. Without them, we have no Youth Center.
- Providing a family-style meal to the youth twice a week
- Outings with the youth such as retreats, campouts, Christian concerts, etc.
- Heating and cooling the building (this winter was a tough one)
- Supplying the snack shop
- Bathroom supplies
- Cleaning supplies
- Facility improvements, maintaining the yard-watering, gas for mowing