MISSION: To provide services needed by area residents to assist them to remain in their homes and lead healthier lives; and to promote sociability and mutual helpfulness.
Our Senior Center serves Columbus and the surrounding area of Stillwater County. The Center provides nutritious and tasty meals Monday through Friday at noon in our spacious and clean building. Our volunteers deliver meals free to the homes of members that cannot make it to the center through our Meals on Wheels program. We offer a monthly blood pressure clinic, exercise sessions twice per week and jam sessions once per month. We have a weekly bridge group and a monthly bingo party. We serve fresh hot cinnamon rolls and coffee every Wednesday morning. The Senior Center provides special birthday dinners, holiday activities, and a special veterans day dinner and recognition. We also recognize Mothers and Fathers DAy and we even sponsor a Halloween Dress Up Contest.
Short term goals include being able to maintain a monetary balance for the operation of the Senior Center so there is never an interruption of services. Long term goals are to create an emergency fund to replace expensive fixtures such as freezers, refrigerators, and furnace. Another long-term goal is to begin saving to repave our parking lot.
Our members are such assets to our community. The history they are willing to share is priceless and quickly fading; they are always eager to interact with people of all ages. Last fall a local preschool decorated pumpkins, then sold them locally to raise money to give to our seniors. The children actually visited the Center to present the money themselves. Both the young and old were so proud. Our seniors are great supporters and contributors to our community and school activities.